Automated followups on Sales and Support progress

Customize sales and support process

Business processes are like waterfalls. It remains fresh if they change with time and growth of an organization. MeraCRM allows customization of stages for sales and support process. Naming and ordering them according to real process enables CRM adoption easier even in team.

Automate follow ups based on sales or support process

Almost all managers and owners of companies spend most of their time in assigning same kinds of tasks to their team and to verify how they perform. MeraCRM automation tools can help them in creating automated followups based on specific events during sales or support process. This gives them more time to think out of the box and grow instead of spending their daytime with this routine tasks.

Configure Email and SMS alerts based on various processes

Continuous communication is key for any relationship either its personal or business. With MeraCRM automation tools, specific event on people, Company, Sales or Support process can send automated, but dynamic notifications to customers or to team. All you need is to set it once and it will keep delighting customers and will make the team more productive.

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